I write to comment on “Relentless pace is not sustainable” by Bill Tammeus in the Sun Journal edition, April 20. I have two other concerns to add to those concerns of Mr. Tammeus.

The Bush attack on our environmental protection laws, i.e. your headlines “Bush gets his way by settling suits,” “Changes in Clean Water Act meet opposition,” “Erases 30 years of progress,” “Loss of 20 million acres of wetlands,” “Farce preservation.” The Bush administration, without congressional approval or the benefit of public comment, eased protection on millions of acres in Utah and is reviewing endangered species act, etc., and on and on.

The Bush administration’s denigration of the United Nations and the ever diminishing role of Congress, the people’s representatives, in making foreign policy decisions.

All of these concerns make one feel powerless and think, why vote?

Joanna Walsh-Ward, Lewiston

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