LIVERMORE FALLS – Selectmen completed their work on the 2003 annual town meeting warrant Wednesday night, adjusting several figures.

Town Manager Alan Gove plans to have the bottom line ready for the board when it meets again at 6 p.m. Monday.

The town report will go to the printer Tuesday with hopes that it will be available to the public within a week.

Many of the 39 articles will carry two recommendations, one from the Board of Selectmen and the other from the Budget Committee.

Different figures are available on capital improvements, contractual (ambulance subsidy), insurance, elected officials, Police Department and dispatch.

Chairman Bill Demaray questioned why the library association has $39,000 in a bank account. He suggested that its $52,000 request be cut by $4,000 and that the library use money from the account to buy books.

Association President Roger Ouellette objected, first saying the money was given with the stipulation that only the interest could be used, then admitting that the most recent bequest, $15,000, had been given specifically for the purchase of books.

However, it had been rolled into the other to earn more interest. His argument was that if they use the principal, there will be less interest with which to purchase books in the future.

He also accused selectmen of trying to raid the assets of his corporation and threatened if it happened he would go to the Secretary of State to have it dissolved.

“If you think you can do a better job, we’ll hand it over to you,” he said, then added that he would put all the funds into a trust so it would always go for the library.

Gove is to research the process for holding a secret ballot and to clarify whether a resident must be a registered voter to be allowed to vote in town affairs.

In other business, the board agreed to rebate to Evelyn Chabot $548.57 on her sewer bill as she had been charged for two hookups where her family home has been for some time. The rebate was based on three years’ charges.

Gove announced that Code Officer Larry Grant will complete his duties with the town after the Planning Board meeting Wednesday as he will be unable to give the town the 10 hours a week it has requested.

Brenda Medcoff, the former code enforcement officer, will assume the position again next week.

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