U.S. ocean area is almost 1/4 larger than the country’s land territory. It belongs to all Americans, but we are not taking proper care of it. The first thorough review of our ocean policy made in 30 years was reported by the independent Pew Oceans Commission. It finds the coastal and marine ecosystems are in a state of crisis as a result of mismanagement and human activities ranging from overfishing and pollution to uncontrolled coastal development.

Ninety percent of our sea’s large fish are gone, and many species of environmentally and economically important species of marine life are almost extinct. Vital habitats, where hundreds of species reproduce, are disappearing; form coral reefs to mangroves to estuaries that are so polluted they are unfit for life.

The Pew Oceans report gives straightforward recommendations such as ecosystem-based protection, sensible coastal development policies and streamlining government bureaucracy. It is vital to a healthy ocean that policies be enforced. We have no time to lose as a healthy sea requires a healthy marine life. Life on land is ultimately dependent on the sea.

Frances Perlman, West Paris

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