A recent letter from Robert Macdonald appeared that demands answer. (Aug. 16)

He may accept the factual distortions of this and previous administrations, but I, as a citizen, take my rights and obligations seriously. One of these is the right to dissent, particularly when we are treading on false pathways as at present. To point this out does no disservice to our brave servicepeople. Indeed it may help diminish their risk. This happened in Vietnam when protest forced negotiations and ended an unjust war that killed almost 60,000 Americans and over 1,000,000 Vietnamese.

There are distortions in the letter. Casualties in Iraq are increasing not because of criticism but from inept post-combat planning. What is happening was predicted. The remarks about Vietnam are off-base. They have been often addressed and need no correction from me. As for fanatical Muslims, Mr. Macdonald is correct but has not examined reasons for their fanaticism nor other possible solutions.

What must be recognized is that our government often supports the very evils that we purport to despise. One can point out the brutal regimes in El Salvador, Chile, Iran and Congo. Remember our support for Saddam when he fought with Iran and, then as now, he was no democrat.

While I do not question Mr. Macdonald’s patriotism, I take offense when he questions mine. I, too, have seen the face of war. I am not a pacifist but am convinced that war remains the last and worst solution. There are no winners, only death and destruction.

Stephen A. Sokol, Lewiston

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