The CasinosNo! people are out of line when they attempt to address the issue of crime and police jurisdiction in the proposed resort casino.

They say that no local police will be allowed in the casino to fight off any potential crime. It is true that local police won’t be the lead law enforcement agency. But there will be nothing to stop the local police from going in if they have reason to believe a crime is being committed.

What the CasinosNo! people don’t say is that the Maine State Police will have total access to every nook and cranny of the whole casino and will have absolute jurisdiction over everything that happens in there. The state patrol will even have their own office inside the resort casino.

The CasinosNo! people are deliberately trying to mislead us about crime and safety. I know that Foxwoods is an orderly ran business with plenty of regulation.

If CasinosNo! is will to put such a loaded twist on the police issue, I wonder what other misinformation they’re willing to say just to bulldoze their attitudes on to everybody else.

Robert Shaw, Danville

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