LEWISTON – The Rev. Douglas and Sonia Taylor, ministry directors of The Jesus Party, invite children to participate in a proud to be an American celebration at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 19, at 291 Bates St.

The event is part of the Taylors’ efforts to promote God and country, as well as to show support for President Bush, the U.S. military, coalition forces and the Iraqi people.

The Glorybound singers will perform the Lee Greenwood song “Proud to be an American.” Children will receive American flags and yellow ribbons and will sing patriotic hymns.

A single candle will be lit and prayer offered in honor of the families who this Christmas will sacrifice by the absence of a loved one due to military duties.

An offering of $100 will be donated by the ministry to the 2004 U.S. Marines “Toys For Tots” campaign. Children will be offered red, white and blue cupcakes and will have a chance to win a G.I. Joe action figure as a door prize. For more information call 786-5568. Rides are available.

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