LEWISTON – The city will promote from within to replace the outgoing fire chief, tapping Assistant Fire Chief Paul LeClair for the job.

LeClair was one of four candidates interviewed for the job, according to City Administrator Jim Bennett.

“He’s been assistant chief for the last 11 years, and he’s obviously very talented,” Bennett said. “I think the committee that hired him was pretty comfortable that he wouldn’t miss any beats assuming that role.

Chief Michel Lajoie announced his retirement in September, effective at the end of February. LeClair will take over as chief on March 1.

Human Resources Director Denis Jean said he received 25 applications for the chief’s job from around the country, including seven from Maine. The four Maine candidates were interviewed by a committee, comprised of Mayor Lionel Guay, Councilor Lillian O’Brien, Police Chief Bill Welch, Lt. Richard Cailler of the fire department and Lewiston resident Celeste Philippon.

Bennett said the committee was unanimous in recommending LeClair for the job.

“I was expecting them to come back with three names, and I’d make the final choice,” Bennett said. “As it turned out, I didn’t have much to do other than say thank you and move on.”

Guay said it was his familiarity with Lewiston that convinced the group.

“It was his experience with the department, working with the personnel that’s there now,” Guay said.

LeClair came to the Lewiston Fire Department 1981 as a firefighter. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1993 and then assistant chief in 1994.

His duties included coaching and directing firefighter skills training, administering safety programs, preparing and delivering training programs, and managing grants for Homeland Security money. He has also served as president of the Lewiston Firefighters Association, Local 785.

LeClair also worked as interim manager of the Colisee from October 2004 through June 2005.

He said he’s eager to get started on the job. Both he and Lajoie will begin working on the department’s budget in the next couple of months.

“I just want to continue the good work and good teamwork we’ve been enjoying all along,” he said.

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