TURNER – Nearly four years of work is winding down for the Zoning Review Committee and others seeking to put together a comprehensive plan for the town.

One of the final steps will take place at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 5, at the town office when the committee conducts a public forum to take comments on its proposed draft Future Land Use Plan. The plan in map form is available for viewing in the town office with color variations detailing 10 proposed uses for land in the predominantly agricultural community

The designated land uses range from resource protection to shore land and include village areas, general residential areas 1 and 2, rural areas 1 and 2, commercial areas 1 and 2, and agricultural/industrial area. Special protection areas (groundwater, gravel aquifers, watershed, critical wildlife habitat, etc.) are discussed in the plan narrative also available in the town office.

These will be the topics of the forum Thursday, to be followed by meetings of the committee to put the final touches on the zoning map and draft a final zoning ordinance, which is the basis of the comprehensive plan.

A draft plan was accepted at town meeting last year, revised and sent to the state for acceptance under Maine’s Growth Management Act. The State Planning Office had some suggestions for changes that were made Nov. 22, and the plan was resubmitted and approved by the state.

After next Thursday’s forum, the committee will hold another before submitting the Draft Future Land Use Map to the town meeting for adoption in April.

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