Ward 4 — McMahon, Farwell and Montello schools area
James R. Handy
Age: 57
Address: 9 Maplewood Road
Occupation: Customer satisfaction at L.L. Bean
Education: Attended Lewiston schools, 1972 graduate of Lewiston High School, graduated from University of Southern Maine in 1980, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.
Political experience: Lewiston School Committee, 1998-present, chairman, 2002-2008, and 2010-present. Maine State Senate, 1993-95; Maine House of Representatives, 1982-93. Page in House Officers staff, 1978; Election law administrator in Maine Secretary of State Bureau of Elections, 1980-82.
Community organizations: Literacy volunteers, Androscoggin Board of Directors, 2011-present; Lewiston High School Music Association; Violence Prevention Coordinating Committee; L/A Arts Board of Directors, Lewiston Recreation Department, volunteer basketball coach, 2002-09; Healthy Androscoggin Board of Directors; Pettingill School Building Committee, Farwell School Building Committee.
What is the biggest problem you perceive in Lewiston schools, and how will you, as a school board member, work to correct it?
As with other school districts, we face the challenges of adequate space and the need to build at least one new school. Also, we need to move away from standardized exams as the only method of student assessment. The use of the NWEA assessment is a positive move toward using student academic growth as a measure of student success. Moving toward additional methods of assessment such as demonstration is necessary.
What do you think is going right in Lewiston schools, something you want to support?
Excellent teachers and educational technicians; outstanding programs offered through the Lewiston Regional Technical Center; the high school Real World Prep class for the profoundly challenged; our comprehensive policy and program direction of serving pre-k through adult education; performing and visual arts classes offered at all grades; our commitment to educating all students in our community; Jobs for Maine Graduates at LHS and Project Reach at the Lewiston Middle School; and many more.
Lewiston’s student population of Somali immigrant students continues to climb. Do you approve of how they’re being taught, where they’re going to school, how their needs are being met?
We have students whose first language is something other than English. That amounts to about 22 different languages. We strive to get the best educators to meet this need. It is appropriate that these students be placed in the best possible setting to achieve success, as many are.
When the next proposed school budget comes out, would you favor flat-funding, a higher budget, or a lower budget?
We have always been very careful in developing a budget for Lewiston’s public schools. We have not only achieved modest budget gains, we have helped the city side of the budget by giving the city millions of dollars to help reduce the property tax. My first responsibility as a School Committee member is to provide the best education for the students and families we serve.
Superintendent Bill Webster has released projections showing Lewiston’s enrollment will continue to grow at 100 students a year. He’s recommending turning the Lewiston Multi-Purpose Center into a pre-k school for the city, expanding the middle school, and expanding McMahon. Lewiston senior citizens do not want to give up their space at the Multi-Purpose building. Do you approve, or disapprove, of this plan?
I am confident that we will find a solution to educating the increasing number of students in our schools and still meet the needs of our community.
- Lewiston School Committee member James Handy
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