WILTON — The Board of Selectpersons has asked for more information on the costs of new and used aerial firetrucks.

The Firetruck Committee, consisting of community members, firefighters and selectmen, has considered three options to replace a 1973 Ward LaFrance snorkel truck that has gone to a junkyard.

Wilton has some buildings that are too tall for the aerial equipment to reach.

Committee members have met with Farmington and Jay departments to consider contracting for aerial firetruck service, Fire Chief Sonny Dunham told the board. These departments are providing coverage this year.

That solution was questioned by committee member and Selectperson Tiffany Maiuri.

“In my mind, for either Jay or Farmington to provide good coverage with their aerial trucks, is not a viable option,” she said. The time for either to reach the opposite side of Wilton is questionable, and to contract with both towns is just as expensive as purchasing a new or used truck, she said.


Many community members have endorsed a third option, Dunham said. A lot have expressed a desire to look at prices for new and used trucks.

While a used aerial truck, perhaps a Quint, could cost $400,000 to $600,000, a new truck cost is over $1 million, he said.

A Quint “does it all,” Dunham said. It can pump, carry water and provide aerial work.

Dunham told the board he is considering purchasing of a used 85-foot aerial truck equivalent to the snorkel but costing less than the Quint.

The board wanted updated costs for new and used trucks and have them broken down into cost per citizen, as the Jay and Farmington proposals did. 

Selectperson John Black also asked for data on the number of times aerial equipment is needed in Wilton.

During his quarterly report, Dunham asked for the “board’s blessing” to pursue a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant to buy a new or used aerial truck. A 5 percent match from the town would be required.

Maiuri will help write the grant, he said.


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