Not surprising, the onslaught of negativity intensified extensively during the 1960s — a period shaping subsequent decades. Music turned hard, materialism burgeoned, hearts turned cold and the pews all but emptied. A period in which prayer was banned, drugs invaded the culture, our youth turned wayward and illicit sex — soon followed by abortion — broke into mainstream. It was the declining moment of our era.

Darker were the 1970s with every wind of doctrine. From then on, divorce, teen suicide, illegitimate births, teen pregnancies, fornication and crime, bringing in the mushrooming of hate, jealousy, envy, lawlessness, the extension of chaos, uncontrollable riots, violent protests, and terrorism all becoming more of a danger.

Too much liberalism — not enough conservatism. With liberalism, things once considered immoral were then considered acceptable, heading toward moral degeneration, thus enticing the way to looser liberalism and less moral dependency. The going into “American the Liberal,” became “Bye Bye Miss American Pie.” A moral rebellion.

The conscience of the world became convoluted due to the compromise of the truth, evil not being recognized as evil, and more ways of life became acceptable, with great sins being recognized as legal rights. Therefore, people’s consciences became aloof — many becoming spiritually blind. Modern technology made it easier to propagate its evil causes.

The biggest threat to mankind is his inability to distinguish good from evil. Through morality lies the remedy for peace and restoration of prosperity, and defeating the evil in the heart of the civilized world.

Neil Bourgoin, Jay

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