100 Years Ago: 1918

Services were resumed at the Baptist church on Sunday after the church was closed for four Sundays. Services were held at Deering Memorial Church on Sunday, Rev. Charles Hall preaching in place of the pastor, Rev. D. F. Faulkner, who is on his vacation. The electrical shower early Monday morning, although very heavy, did slight damage in South Paris. A pine tree in Pine Grove Cemetery near the hall of the Oxford County Agricultural Society was hit and well splintered.

50 Years Ago: 1968

Alfred N. Savigano, principal of Edward Little High School, is to attend a two-day workshop sponsored by the Commission on Public Secondary Schools of the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Inc. The workshop will be held Aug. 22-23 on the Bowdoin College campus and will train the 68 selected high school administrators for service as chairmen of the visiting evaluation committees for public secondary schools.

25 Years Ago: 1993

Little Canada/Lincoln Street neighborhood residents are angry. Others are nervous. And some are just scared about the neighborhood they have resided in for many years. They used to hide in their houses and keep to themselves when the crime started, said one resident during the Q&A session at the second neighborhood watch meeting held Thursday night. But now, a group of about 30 neighborhood residents has joined together to form a community crime watch to combat drugs, burglaries and other dangerous or illegal activities that have corrupted the area. They hope to unite a force that will work together with the police department against crime. “We’re asking neighborhood residents to be (the police’s) eyes and ears,” said Brett Coleman, a crime prevention officer for the police department and crime watch coordinator. “If they see something that looks out of place, report it to us.” Coleman said the program, started in June, hasn’t been in place long enough to determine its effectiveness but did say other crime watch programs around the country have significantly decreased neighborhood crime, especially burglary.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared in the Sun Journal, although misspelling and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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