Left to Right: Guiding Lion Marge McHugh, Treasurer Julie Chandler, Lion Caitlin Beairsto, VP Heather Dube, President Tracy Dowland, LCIF Chair Mickayla Gammon, Lion Aaron Michaud, Secretary Crystal Kwon, Leo To Lion Olivia Brown, Lions Allen & Maria Martin, Lion Samantha Walker and Lion Yvonne Zagorites. In the Lions costume is Service Chair Courtney Ventura. Attending but not in picture were Laura Kwon & Peter Dowland. Absent at time of photo were Lions Chris Labbe, Lion Tamer Ray Hutchinson, Laura Fissette, Jeff Tabor, Brad & Michelle Dyer and Tail Twister Mandy Keane. Submitted photo

FARMINGTON — Lions Club dignitaries from local to international level gathered at the Fairbanks School Community Center in Farmington on Saturday, Feb. 22, to celebrate the newest Lions Club in the State of Maine.

The Charter Celebration hosted by the newly formed SPC CYBER Lions Club, included the induction and pinning of charter members, the installation of officer and the presentation of on the charter.

The SPC Cyber charter members met for the first time back in June to discuss the possibility of forming a CYBER club which would be sponsored by the Stratton- Eustis Lions Club. Marge McHugh of the Stratton-Eustis Lions Club acted as the “Guiding Lion” assisting the new group through the organization process. They received the International Charter on Oct 7, 2019 and Saturday’s celebration officially welcomed the newest “cubs” into the District.

Senior Planning Center (SPC) has four locations throughout the state of Maine and these locations are participating in the Lions club in honor of Anthony Arruda, Past District Governor and CEO of the organization. What makes this club so unique is that they meet online or by conference calls. This is the first Cyber Club in Maine and we are hoping for more. The idea that members can be part of the organization and plan fundraisers or service projects without leaving their home or office is a great boon for the organization. Then meeting in person to do the activity makes it even more fun for members to get together.

Guiding Lion, Marge McHugh, has been assisting the members in learning the benefits of helping others and the ethics and procedures for Lions meetings and protocol “We do this in our business every day. So, we chose to use Senior assistance as our primary service projects. We do plan on helping with all of the Lions causes such as, collecting, glasses, hearing aids and cell phones in all off our offices that are then recycled and used throughout our communities and the world where needed.”

Our first fundraiser was offering cookies and treats to our clients in the office. We then used those funds to give a Valentine gift of cards and bouquet to three nursing homes in our areas. The cards were made by Ms. Olivia Brown’s fifth grade class and together we gave out 200 valentines cards. Simple but something that made us all feel good.


There were several Lion dignitaries present at the celebration from District officers and club officers representing 10 different clubs throughout the state. We were honored by the District Governor Tia Knapp, and guest speaker Maine State Senator Russell Black. There were five Past District Governors present that all commented on how unique the club is and all wishing much success for the future.

Past District Governor Anthony Arruda performed a touching and heartfelt induction ceremony asking the new members to close their eyes for a moment to imagine the darkness of blindness and to remind us that it was Helen Keller that spoke at the 1925 Lions Conventions and asked the Lions to be the Knights of the Blind…and that is why to this day we still remember our number one commitment to help the blind.

Past District Governor Neil Iverson followed with a clever and fun installation of the officers. Each officer received a hat to remind them of their duties. The president, as leader of a team, received a Patriots hat, the secretary was presented with a large brimmed hat, as she is responsible for so many things and able to carry them off in style. The membership hat was orange with dinosaurs on it to remind us that membership is important and not let the members die off, but to go with the changes. Since our Cyber club is unique, it shows we are going with change. The vice-president received a fireman’s hat to help the president in keeping the club in order and, if problems arise, to help put out the fires. A visor for the treasurer, a princess hat for the service chair to look for and plan service projects in our areas.

The club consists of employees, spouses, family members and friends. Anyone is welcome to join the club.

The newly inducted officers are: President- Tracy Dowland , VP – Heather Dube, Secretary- Crystal Kwon, Treasurer – Julie Chandler, Tail Twister- Mandy Keane, Lion Tamer- Ray Hutchinson, Service Chair- Courtney Ventura, Membership Chair – Rachel Marble, LCIF Chair – Mickayla Gammon, Eye glass Chair – Erin Dyar.

Members: Brad & Michelle Dyer, Laura Kwon, Yvonne Zagorites & Samantha Walker, Aaron Michaud, Allen Martin, Laura Fissette, Caitlin Beairsto, Christopher Labbe, Jeff Taber, Louise Chandler and Olivia Brown (LEO to LION)

For information about joining us please contact Rachel Marble 207-778-6565 ext. 402


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