Historical society program canceled

AUBURN — The Androscoggin Historical Society has elected to postpone indefinitely the Tuesday, March 31, program on the underground railroad.


West Paris church program, services cancelled

WEST PARIS — The 2020 Caravan to Cuba discussion that was to be held Thursday, April 2, at the First Universalist Church of West Paris has been cancelled. Church administration also wished it to be known that church services have been cancelled until further notice.



Sumner church cancels services, suppers

SUMNER — The Congregational Church of East Sumner has suspended worship services and Saturday suppers until the Covid-19 crisis is passed.
Sunday morning worship will be posted on the church web page at https://eastsumnercongregationalchurch.weebly.com/.

Information about the Sumner Food Bank is also available on the web page. The Food Bank will continue to be open from 9 a.m. to noon on the first and third Mondays with new safety guidelines. For those who cannot make those times, send an email to esumnercc@gmail.com.

For more information about the church, call Bill at 207-388-2263 or Cyndy at 207-388-2667.

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