FARMINGTON — The Parks and Recreation Department has decided to cancel its in-person fall youth soccer and field hockey programs in the interest of public health and education, while complying with the state’s COVID-19 community sports guidelines.

The department is working on providing a few comprehensive remote learning opportunities for participants that will also include jersey and medal options, and other online programming and content. These offerings will be announced shortly and will appear online at

The programs will be offered in a comprehensive online platform with weekly skills and drills,
conditioning, family/friend ‘pod practices’ and competitions, according to Director Matthew Foster.

Many children have difficulty with maintaining physical distance during sports. “The ‘Phase 2: Community Sports’ guidelines provided to us by the state were very clear,” he wrote in a release.

The sports and activities the state considers moderate risk are those that “involve intermittent close proximity or limited, incidental contact, but with protective equipment or mitigating measures in place that may reduce the likelihood of respiratory particle transmission between participants (e.g., wearing masks, modifying play to maintain 6 feet of physical distance, cleaning and disinfecting,)” according to the guidelines.

Those sports and activities include soccer and field hockey. Others falling into the category are baseball, softball, team swimming, fencing, basketball, lacrosse, ice hockey, competitive cheering, martial arts, ultimate frisbee, running events where physical distance cannot be maintained, pair figure skating and volleyball.


The guidelines are also clear that “’Students attending school and students participating in any group sporting activity (club, community, or school-based) represent the mixing of cohorts that schools are attempting to use for their public health protection measures. This increased mixing creates a high risk for potential spread both within schools and between schools and therefore this guidance must be diligently followed,’” Foster wrote.

There are still many other barriers to overcome in developing a safe environment for children, spectators, and the staff to run a successful program.

Youth sports such as soccer, field hockey and basketball struggle with “too many people on the ball,” which makes the modified play of 6-foot distances and the “increased projection of respiratory
particles during cardiovascular activities … which can be up to 14 feet” carry much more
risk and is extremely difficult to maintain, according to Foster.

The Recreation Department decided to support Regional School Unit 9 and the measures that have been put in place to protect the children and increase their chances for a successful return to education this
school year.

Staff will continue to support the community by providing citizens with enjoyable programming on their mission to “Bring our community alive,” Foster wrote.

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