BETHEL — Selectmen Monday, revisited holding two select board meetings per month.

Select Woman Lori Swain said she didn’t think having two meetings was necessary at the moment.

Selectman Pete Southam asked if any significant agenda items were planned for the next meeting on October 9.

Town Manager Loretta Powers said discussion on the ordinance review committee and transfer station would happen.

Southam asked if any items had to be addressed prior to the Nov. 3 election.

Swain made the motion to cancel the Oct. 19 meeting. The motion passed 4-1 with Select Woman Michele Varuolo Cole opposed.


In other news, Town Clerk Christen Mason said that the town sent out 368 absentee ballots in the mail last Friday. She said in-person absentee voting began Monday and between 60-70 to cast their ballots.

Mason said the office was “very busy” most of Monday dealing with ballots.

Town Manager Loretta Powers said there is a survey available both on the town website and Facebook page (What’s up in Bethel Maine) focusing on internet service in the area and places where service could be improved.

“The Mahoosuc Area Broadband Committee is gathering information from residents and businesses through surveying, mapping and testing internet speeds to help us all understand the service currently available and where and how it needs to be improved. We are advocates for fast, flexible, affordable and reliable internet service for all residents and businesses in our town,” the town said in a Facebook.

The committee consists of residents/town officials from Bethel, Newry, Woodstock and Albany Township.

The link to the survey can be found by going to

People interested in finding out what the internet speed in there area is can go to


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