To the Editor:

On Monday May 17 from 8-9 a.m., the faithful flag detail returned to Main Street in Livermore Falls as they have done for 13 years since 2008.

Remember anyone can join us, you do not have to be a veteran. Anyone who is proud to be an American and want to show that pride by holding an American flag high.

Because several of the faithful are fighting serious health issues, they will not be able to attend for the next month or so, but hope others in the public will show up in their absence. Also Tracy Wiggin will not be able to attend because of his health issues. So others really need to step up to fill the ranks.

During these times I feel showing our pride in the flag is a way to share our national pride for all who are on the front lines fighting the pandemic and our essential workers who are keeping America Strong, while not forgetting our military around the world protecting you and I.

Reggie Tardif, Les & Betty Pratt, Roy Gatchell, Dick Cook, I am not sure you can join me and how your health is to stand for an hour but you’re welcome to bring a stool or chair with you.


Tracy Wiggin, I know you can’t be with us because of your health, but you are with us in our Hearts and Prayers.

So the collection bucket will return. Donations can be sent to Donald Simoneau, 3451 Main St, Fayette ME 04349. Checks made out to Donald Simoneau, note (Avenue of Flags)

As of last Monday morning, we have collected $41.79 towards new flags for the Avenue of Flags. Thank you all who drop money in the bucket.

Donald Simoneau


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