With friends like this who needs enemies?

Now they rocked the pontoon boat, why did they not push it toward their friends so they also would be safe? No, today they only think for themselves.

They would never be any good if they were on a battlefield not able to be the one rescuing a wounded comrade.

How about a six year old boy in the night driving a car back and forth on the street? According to Hillary Clinton, “it takes a village to raise children,” but that is not true. It takes parents, not the government.

I read in the Bible that “Fathers love your wives and brothers love your children,” not the government.

Oh well, I am just an old picklepuss. I am not a saint.

I have done my share of mishaps but I had a mother who cared to make me a better person and learn to help others, too.

Heidi Weber, Wilton

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