DEAR SUN SPOTS: It’s been a while since I called the Time and Temperature phone number. To my surprise, it just rings when I call it and it isn’t answered with the time, temperature, and brief weather report. Is it now a thing of the past or did something break? Will it be repaired and then be operational again? — Belinda, no town

ANSWER: Perhaps you were dialing the wrong number. The Time and Temperature number is alive and well and working as always. The Maine number is (207) 775-4321. It’s easy to remember!

In case you want to know what the Time and Temperature numbers are for other locations in the United States and Canada, you can go to this website:

You’ll see that numbers are maintained by local phone companies while others are maintained by businesses such as banks and radio and television stations. Some of the listings even identify the person whose voice you hear.

Your question tossed me down a delightfully informational rabbit hole! I was especially interested because back in the late 1940s, my mom was a telephone operator.

If my readers have a mind to, you could spend several hours reading Categories to explore include up-to-the-minute telephone news, landline, pay phone, and cellular phone history, a timeline of telephone switching systems, long distance companies, and even photos and recorded sounds of telephones throughout the years. Then there are lots of stories. Exploring all this was great fun.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I need holiday gift ideas. I’m just at a loss and I really don’t want to order “stuff” online. In the past, I’ve always been disappointed when the items come. They look so much better in the photos than in real life. — Cheryl, Minot

ANSWER: I agree! Shopping and gift-giving in real life takes time, fuel for the car, and energy, but it’s worth it. I encourage you to shop locally. Look up any craft fairs in your area and check out cute shops. You’ll never know what you’ll find that will speak to you, telling you it’s the perfect gift for a loved one.

Specialty food items, grocery store and restaurant gift cards, gas cards, books, and cozy items to keep warm through these winter months are always appreciated.

Is there something you’re good at that could become a treasured gift? Print and frame a photo you’ve taken, create a piece of art, knit scarves, or make something yummy in your kitchen.

Readers, please share your ideas!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Does the Lions Club still collect eyeglasses? If so, could you please list locations near the Lewiston/Auburn area? — No name, no town

ANSWER: I looked on the Lions Club website and found drop-offs for glasses in Yarmouth at the Hannaford pharmacy counter at 756 US Route 1, Insight EyeCare at 26 School St., Merrill Memorial Library at 215 Main St., Bayview Dental Associates (front entrance): 247 Portland St., and at the Recycling and Transfer Station Book Shed at 659 East Main St. Maine Optometry at 407 US Route 1 in Freeport also accepts used glasses.

Check out the local Walmart Vision Center as well. Readers, please let us know about other spots!

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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