Plein-air painter George Van Hook, one of twenty artists who participated in the summer 2021 Camden on Canvas benefit for the Camden Public Library. Contributed photo
Camden on Canvas is set for return this year to support the Camden Public Library. Twenty artists will be selected by jury to paint Maine’s picturesque midcoast during the weekend of July 29-31, culminating in an auction of one new painting per artist on the evening of Sunday, July 31. Artists receive 50% of the sale price, and the library receives the other 50% to cover much needed operating expenses.
To apply for this show, submit three digital photos of recent plein-air paintings before Jan. 24. Photos should be web quality: approximately 2000 pixels on the longest side at 72dpi. Image files labeled in the following format: last name of artist_image title_image size.jpeg.
Also be sure to include your phone number and email address. Email applications to artists@librarycamden.org. Materials will be reviewed by jurors: Kirsten Surbey, Gallery Manager at Page Gallery; Ken DeWaard, nationally known landscape painter; and Nikki Maounis, executive director of the Camden Public Library.
For more information, visit librarycamden.org.
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