Austin Bay

On his inauguration day in December 2018, Mexican president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO is his acronym) invoked a word that still transfixes Mexicans who seek honest government. The word: impunity.

In his inaugural address, AMLO swore that under his administration, “corruption and impunity” will end.

Why was that significant? Because if he pulled it off, AMLO would transform Mexico into a modern democracy. Like, something a talking head would call Canada South.

Now for the obvious bad news: AMLO has failed.

Critical background: For angry and disenchanted Mexican citizens, “impunity” means embedded injustice within their nation’s governing institutions and society. When shouted by protesters, it expresses deep disgust with political and economic leaders who cannot — or worse, will not — combat it.

Why don’t they?


I’m throwing a curve here. Why would the FBI and major American media try to hide the obvious corruption revealed by Hunter Biden’s laptop?

We will come back to that in a moment.

Sept. 26 was the eighth anniversary of the Iguala Massacre (sometimes called the Ayotzinapa Teachers College massacre). The Iguala Massacre is a vicious crime become political cause that exemplifies the evil of “impunity.”

In a column published after AMLO’s inauguration I wrote, “Impunity directly connects to the Iguala mass kidnappings of Sept. 2014, when 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ College in Guerrero state were murdered. International investigators concluded the (government of then-president Enrique Pena Nieto’s) investigation was seriously flawed.

AMLO promised to establish a truth commission to answer the questions (related to the massacre) that the Pena administration failed to answer. Two days after his inauguration, he posed for a photo with the parents of the missing students.

With that photo, AMLO put his legacy on the line.”


In the last 30 days AMLO’s grand commitment to justice has floundered and succumbed to Mexico’s corrupt deep state of billionaire oligarchs, corrupt politicians, corrupt cops and corrupt courts.

Bottom line truth: the students were murdered. Several were tortured before they were slain. Some of their remains were hacked with machetes and burned; about 10 bodies were dissolved in acid.

Who did it? A drug gang named Guerreros Unidos was involved. Allegedly, the gang had ties to Iguala’s mayor.

Also involved: members of the Mexican military.

On Sept. 14 it appeared AMLO might keep his word and attack Deep State corruption. That day authorities arrested Gen. (retired) Jose Rodriguez Perez and two former soldiers for participating in the murder of 43 students at Ayotzinapa Teachers College near the town of Iguala (Guerrero state) on Sept. 26, 2014.

In 2014 Rodriguez commanded the Mexican Army battalion stationed in Iguala. In 2020 Rodriguez and the two other soldiers were convicted of being involved in organized crime.


But after Sept. 14 the Mexican national Attorney General’s Office canceled arrest orders for 21 Iguala massacre suspects. Sixteen Mexican Army soldiers were among the 21.

The special prosecutor charged with investigating Iguala resigned in disgust.

After the special prosecutor resigned, someone leaked to the press a study by AMLO’s Truth Commission that indicated the special prosecutor lacked “police assistance” in his investigation.

The leaks indicated the Mexican military ordered the executions and then turned the students over to the drug gang.

Hideous? Yes. Murky? Of course, intentionally so. Fact worthy of a psycho-thriller: The head of Mexico’s now-defunct Criminal Investigation Agency during the Pena administration is hiding in Israel. Israel and Mexico do not have extradition agreements.

You’re horrified? Good. I am too.

Unfortunately, the U.S. is poorly positioned to criticize Mexico. Think about America since early 2016. Consider the FISA court corruption to target Carter Page, an innocent man accused of being a traitor. Or the FBI using totally fake accusations cooked up by the Hillary Clinton campaign to target Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Add FBI corruption to suppress public knowledge of Hunter Biden’s laptop and its hard evidence of influence peddling and tax evasion.

At least Mexican media demands prosecution and punishment for the Iguala massacre. Russian collusion? Major U.S. media proved to be as crooked as the FBI and Hillary Clinton’s paid operatives.

Austin Bay is a syndicated columnist and author.

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