Trinity Episcopal Church Lewiston plans to recognize its ministry with the Rev. Dr. Kenneth Paul St. Germain during the Celebration of Mutual Ministry worship service at 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 17 at 247 Bates St.

The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, will lead the worship and preaching. A reception will follow the service.

The Rev. Dr. Paul St. Germain Submitted photo

The congregation is eager to partner with St. Germain in their ministry as a progressive, 21st century center of urban ministries and inclusive worship, according to a news release Klara Tammany with the church.

The public is invited to join in this special celebration of new life and hope.

A Celebration of Mutual Ministry honors both the ministry of the new rector and the ministry of the people of the congregation. It gathers the larger faith community together because shared ministry develops and is sustained in the context of connection with others.

St. Germain joins with the people of Trinity Episcopal Church of Lewiston as pastor, priest and teacher. A native of Vermont and cradle Episcopalian, he has served parishes of many sizes, primarily in the mid-west, for over 30 years. He earned a Master of Divinity from Yale Divinity School, where he received the Wilcott-Caulkins Award for public speaking.


In addition to a Diploma of Anglican Studies from Berkeley Divinity School, the Portland resident holds a Doctor of Ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary.

The parish’s latest effort is transforming its worship space into a multi-use community center, Trinity Commons. Sunday congregational worship will continue, but the space can now be shared with the neighborhood and wider community for events, concerts, programs, trainings and other gatherings. There is also now a labyrinth on the floor for use by individuals and groups for meditative walking and prayer.

Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. Every person, of any race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation is welcome, invited into work and worship that both challenges and sustains life in today’s world.

There will be no regular morning worship on Sept. 17.

For more information, call the church at 207-716-6299.


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