NEWRY — Newry Town Administrator Loretta Powers said they are over budget by about $80,000 because of road damage repair costs resulting from the Dec. 18 storm.

“To make it through for this winter. We are going to need $115,000 for our roads, another $5,000 for salt and $50,000 for engineering because we are going to have to fix some of these roads come Spring, We’re looking at a total of $250,000.”

She said they could take $250,000 out of surplus or use the $142,500 from the sale of the Newry Church.

They will hold a special town meeting 6 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Bear River Grange Hall on Bear River Road to ask the town’s approval for funding.

Other business

Select Board Member Tink Conkright said the fire dept. acquired a jaws of life device from Baldwin Fire Department.


Sunday River’s Summit and Jordan Hotel liquor licenses were renewed.

They approved the new cemetery ordinance that doubles the cost for gravesites. They agreed if the “lost” Newry (or Hanover) cemetery was ever found they could add it to the ordinance.

Powers noted that Charlie Bean who has been mowing Newry’s cemeteries for many years will be stepping down. Selectmen will put the job out to bid.

The board signed a plan to work with other towns and the county on the Oxford County Hazardous Mitigation plan. Powers said Code Enforcement Officer Joelle Corey attended a meeting to discuss the agreement that most towns have signed on to.

The board approved budgeting for an animal control officer (ACO) $100. per month to be on call; $30. per hour for calls; plus mileage. $1,251 per year is currently in the budget.

Powers will meet with Bethel Town Manager Sharon Jackson to discuss the Maine Department of Transportation (DOT) study concerning ski traffic. She said DOT recommended a stand-alone agreement between the towns.


She clarified that this study this is different than the road study.  “Yes, it’s Sunday River ski traffic. But the issue is mostly in Bethel,”  said, Powers. “It’s only three of four times a year issue,” said Conkright.

The fire department has four new, lighter, SCBA’s (self-contained breathing apparatus).

Powers said a homeowner who was asked about selling their land for a possible Newry transfer station has no interest in selling.

Special Town Meeting: Tues. Feb. 20, 6 p.m. at Bear River Grange; Annual Town Meeting: Mon. May 13, 6 p.m.


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