100 Years Ago: 1924

The first woman to be arrested by the Auburn police among offenders of the traffic laws, was Mrs. Ralph Cameron of Auburn who was intercepted on South Goff street Friday night for speeding. She pleaded guilty and paid the costs of court.

50 Years Ago: 1974

An official of the Textile Workers Union said today a report of what transpired at this morning’s meeting with officials of Bates Fabrics Inc. will be given only at a union meeting Sunday night.

Denis A. Blais, state director of the Textile Workers Union of American, AFL-CIO, said the union meeting is scheduled for members of Local 462, Sunday evening, beginning at 7 o’clock, at the Jacques-Cartier Hall on Lisbon Street, Lewiston.

Blais and other union officials met this morning at 9:30 with management at Bates Fabrics Inc. to discuss the possibility of renegotiating contract wage provisions in the light of company profits, which, the union claims, are up by 80 percent.


25 Years Ago: 1999

When Elly Bennett lost her home of 48 years on Hatch Road in Auburn to an April 26 fire, the 69 year old widow didn’t know where she was going to live. That was until about 15 neighbors along the rural road decided to have a house-raising, like an old-fashioned barn-raising.

Through fundraising efforts to pay for materials and volunteer labor, the Hatch Road residents plan to build Bennett a new house.

The house, an adjacent shed and everything Bennett owned except the clothes she was wearing were destroyed when lightning struck a tree in her yard, splitting it into five pieces. The lightning then arched across to her house igniting the fire.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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