Dirigo High School senior Logan Timberlake and senior class Advisor Jillian Bryant presented the class’s project graduation plans and asked the RSU 56 board of directors for use of a school bus following the Class of 2024 graduation on June 7 at the high school. Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times

DIXFIELD — The Regional School Unit 56 board of directors approved Dirigo High School Class of 2024’s project graduation plans and the use of a school bus for June 7 and 8 during their board of directors meeting at the high school on Tuesday.

Senior Logan Timberlake and Class Advisor Jillian Bryant presented the senior class’s plans and their request for bus use at the board meeting. The class plans include going to Margarita’s restaurant in Auburn after their graduation on June 7, then going to Spare Time Entertainment in Portland, followed by a raffle drawing back at the high school the following morning, Timberlake said. The event will include five chaperones, he added.

In other business, the board of directors approved two overnight trips for the school’s Outdoor Learning Club this summer. Superintendent and DHS Principal Pam Doyen told the board that she acquired the $53,025 grant from Maine’s Department of Education and that the amount will cover the cost of the adults who will run the outings.

The program will include two weeks on-site at Dirigo High School for students to learn about canoeing, fishing and hiking followed by the students and adult leaders deciding together where they will go for their canoeing and hiking overnight trips, Doyen said.

“Our Kaitlyn O’Connor, one of our science teachers, who is in the military reserves, has stepped up and she is organizing this,” along with one other person, so there will be two adult chaperones with 10 students, Doyen said. The trips will be available to students of Dirigo Middle School and the high school, she added.

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