Saint Dominic Academy senior Emma Smith sits May 14 in one of the rabbit enclosures at the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society in Lewiston where she does volunteer work. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

AUBURN — Though Emma Smith, 18, has faced obstacles in her life, she has made “exceptional growth” in her four high school years at Saint Dominic Academy, Principal Alanna Stevenson said.

Growing from a student who was not on a college track and struggling academically, the Lewiston resident is heading to St. Joseph’s College, where she will also play lacrosse, Stevenson said.

Smith said she will take the friendships she has made, many going back to prekindergarten.

Reflecting on her educational experiences and plans to the future, she answered a series of questions.

Best part of each day?

“I like ending my day with study hall. This allows me a quick break before I head to work or practice.”


Worst part of each day?

“Homework — I think many students would say this. I like to get it done while I’m at school so I don’t have to worry about it.”

Saint Dominic Academy senior Emma Smith sits in one of the rabbit enclosures at the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society in Lewiston where she does volunteer work. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

Favorite class or subject? Why?

“My favorite is yearbook because I got to be in contact with everyone in school not just my classmates. Helping layout the yearbook and what goes in it is a big accomplishment.”

Favorite teacher or school staff member? Why?

“Mr. Gagne is my favorite. He has supported me throughout my time at St Dom’s. He really cares about the students and is always available to listen and to give advice.”


What was the hardest part of high school and how did you find your way through it?

“Having a learning disability for half of my high school year without knowing was the hardest part. I got through high school by having supportive people in my life.”

How do you think you’ll be remembered by the members of your class?

“People will remember me breaking my nose during a field hockey game. We have such a small class so everyone knew.”

Something you wish teachers and administrators understood about students today?

“I wish they knew that each student learns differently. Once my teachers knew about my learning disability, they all supported my modifications and it gave me a sense of confidence.”


Advice to all those eighth graders entering high school next year?

“Find your close friends and try new things. Develop relationships with others and have fun. It will go by so fast.”

What is next for you after graduation?

“I will be attending Saint Joseph’s College for elementary and special education, and continuing my lacrosse career. I’m looking forward to the next phase after high school.”

This is the first article in a series featuring a high school senior, chosen by their principal, from each of the 18 high schools in the Sun Journal’s coverage area.

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