LEWISTON — Mayor Carl Sheline expects to complete appointments Friday to a city committee on establishing a homeless shelter, a day after receiving considerable criticism from the City Council for potentially delaying the process.

During a special City Council meeting Thursday, several councilors said they were disappointed that Sheline had not yet finalized appointments prior to an established May 31 deadline.

However, Sheline said Friday that he had confirmed 12 members of the committee by the afternoon, including Councilor Michael Roy, and expects to have it completed by the end of the day. The appointments made so far have come entirely from a list of candidates provided by the City Council, he said.

On Thursday, Sheline said Craig Saddlemire had agreed to either be chairman or co-chairman, but that he needed more time to finalize the membership.

The news was met with criticism from the council, who said the committee was critical to finding a more permanent solution to the homelessness crisis in the city and shouldn’t be delayed any longer.

Members of the public also commented, stating that none of the proposed candidates had been contacted yet.


By charter, the mayor has appointment power in Lewiston, but language outlining the new committee stipulates the mayor must consult with the council on appointments.

“We’re leaving this in your hands because we don’t have a choice, I’m urging you to get this done,” Councilor Josh Nagine said. “We provided you with the tools, offered feedback, now we’re at the 11th hour. You have to be part of the solution.”

Nagine said the timing for the committee is “critical” given deadlines for state funding and other resources that may be needed for a permanent shelter, as well as talks on a temporary warming center similar to this year’s effort.

Council President Scott Harriman pointed out that the issue was last discussed during the May 7 meeting, and that Sheline has known for essentially a “full calendar month” that the appointments needed to be made.

“This is an issue that’s been delayed, postponed and held over for far too long,” Councilor David Chittim said. “The council set the deadline. You, by your inaction, have placed us in the position of delaying until next Tuesday. It doesn’t seem like much, but it’s symptomatic of the inattention you have given to this issue. This council, as a body, feels that this is perhaps our highest priority this year.”

In response, Sheline said, “I definitely understand the urgency of this. I’m glad we’re moving forward with a permanent solution for this community.”


Sheline said the issue would still be discussed Tuesday, with names of the appointees read into the record. He also said he planned to notify the council Friday night of the names confirmed.

A few members of the public also spoke Thursday, including Matt Roy, who said Sheline’s actions were “par for the course with his appointment power.”

“He contacts no one, appoints no one,” he said, adding that the council should censure Sheline “for non-performance.”

On Friday, Sheline said, “I appreciate the council and the public’s patience. I have advocated for our unhoused neighbors since the beginning of my first term, and look forward to the committee developing real solutions for our city.”

According to the council order creating the committee, its membership must include at least one city councilor, one member of staff, an individual who has been homeless and no more than 10 other members.

The committee will be tasked with identifying services, a preliminary budget, funding sources, locations and other details related to a shelter.

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