The Picker House Lofts apartments in the center of the former Continental Mill, middle, is seen Monday between Cedar Street and the Androscoggin River in Lewiston. Of the 72 new apartments expected to be ready next year, 46 will be  workforce and 26 will be market rate. The remainder of the mill will be developed by Chinburg Properties into 377 market-rate apartments, along with commercial space. That phase is expected to be ready by early 2027. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

The Picker House Lofts apartments in the center of the former Continental Mill, middle, is seen Monday between Cedar Street and the Androscoggin River in Lewiston. Of the 72 new apartments expected to be ready next year, 46 will be  workforce and 26 will be market rate. The remainder of the mill will be developed by Chinburg Properties into 377 market-rate apartments, along with commercial space. That phase is expected to be ready by early 2027. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

The Picker House Lofts apartments in the center of the former Continental Mill, middle, is seen Monday between Cedar Street and the Androscoggin River in Lewiston. Of the 72 new apartments expected to be ready next year, 46 will be  workforce and 26 will be market rate. The remainder of the mill will be developed by Chinburg Properties into 377 market-rate apartments, along with commercial space. That phase is expected to be ready by early 2027. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal

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