AUBURN — Auburn School Committee members approved changes in staff code of conduct Wednesday to set firmer boundaries around student-teacher interactions.

Changes include addition of two new clauses that “expressly prohibit” sending friend requests to students or engaging in interactions on social media or messaging apps, as well as “communicating with students on non-school matters through phone calls, email, text messages, or by notes, letters or any other means.”

Exceptions are to be made in the case of school or parent-approved activities. 

New policy also notes that school staff must consult with their building principal or supervisor before driving students home.

The committee clarified that staff members may interact with and have friendships with families of students outside of school, and this policy is not intended to limit such interactions, as long as professional boundaries are kept up at all times.

In another motion, the committee moved forward with an immunization policy change.


One dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis vaccine will be required for students entering grade 7.

Tension ran high as a parent voiced his disagreement with pandemic-era mandates earlier in the meeting, confronting Superintendent Cornelia Brown and the committee during the public participation part of the meeting.

State laws require vaccination against infectious diseases for school children. In 2019, the Maine Legislature removed nonmedical exemptions for vaccines required to attend school.

Previously, parents had the option to refuse immunizations for their children on philosophic or religious grounds.

However, voters upheld the law by a 3-1 margin in 2020.

Changes will take effect following a second reading in the following weeks.

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