Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School senior Madelaine Miller works with her teacher, Jayne Bristol, on May 21 during her Advanced Placement Calculus BC class at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School in Paris. She is the only student in the class, one of five AP classes she has taken this school year. Miller played basketball, soccer and softball for the Vikings. She plans to continue playing softball for Bates College in Lewiston in the fall. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal

SOUTH PARIS — Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School senior Madelaine Miller, 18, has made a profoundly positive impact on her school and community, Principal Paul Bickford said.

Her work ethic helped propel her to become the class valedictorian, president of the National Honor Society and participant of three varsity sports, he said. She also found time to dedicate to public service.

“Miss Miller exemplifies kindness, caring and empathy combined with being articulate and inquisitive,” Bickford said.

Miller said the Oxford Hills community has provided her with academic and athletic support and taught her to take advantage of all the opportunities that come her way. The value of working hard will take her toward reaching goals and creating meaningful relationships, she said.

Best part of each day?

The best part of my day is usually lunchtime because I really enjoy talking with my friends and the food is really good too.


Worst part of each day?

The worst part of each day is the beginning of the first block because I am not awake enough for school at 7:30 a.m.

Favorite class or subject? Why?

My favorite class has always been math throughout the entirety of high school. I really enjoy having to problem solve and apply concepts I already know to new learning. I also enjoy chemistry and anatomy because there is a lot of hands-on learning through different labs and dissections.

Favorite teacher or school staff member? Why?

I have had so many amazing teachers at Oxford Hills but I would really like to highlight the math department. Mr. Pelletier and Mrs. Bristol have pushed me to be my best and have always gone above and beyond to make sure I succeed. They even allowed me to do independent studies in their classes this year so that I could take both Advanced Placement statistics and AP calculus BC.


What was the hardest part of high school and how did you find your way through it?

The hardest part of high school has been balancing a full schedule, as well as playing sports year-round. Sometimes it can feel like I am being pulled in 100 directions at once, but I have overcome this by using my time wisely. I am not sure where I would be without a planner.

How do you think you’ll be remembered by the members of your class?

I hope that my classmates remember me as someone who is really kind, and easy to reach out to if they are having a problem.

Something you wish teachers and administrators understood about students today?

I wish that adults understood how overwhelming the transition from high school to college or the workforce can be for kids. The truth is that it is almost impossible to know what you want to do for the rest of your life at such a young age. I would tell the teachers and administrators not to worry about us too much because we all will eventually figure out our own paths.


Advice to all those eighth graders entering high school next year?

If I could give advice to eighth graders, I would tell them to enjoy every minute of high school. It seriously does go by so fast and there are so many memories to look forward to. Sometimes I find myself looking to the future too much when really the best moments happen when you least expect them.

What is next for you after graduation?

Next year I will be attending Bates College. I am undecided about my major but I will be playing softball.

This is the 15th article in a series featuring a high school senior, chosen by their principal, from each of the 18 high schools in the Sun Journal’s coverage area.

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