Regional School Unit 9 school nurse Kimberly Lloyd, left, hands Mt. Blue High School senior Emma Fitch a special note Wednesday during the senior walk at Gerald D. Cushing School. Fitch wrote the note for Lloyd when she was in the third grade, and Lloyd decided to return it to her just before she graduated. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal

WILTON — At Gerald D. Cushing School on Wednesday, several of Mt. Blue High School’s graduating seniors made their way through the halls of the school they had attended many years ago, including Emma Fitch, who had a special surprise in store for her.

School nurse Kimberly Lloyd, who provides health services for GDCS, Academy Hill School and Cape Cod Hill School, shared that she had a special note ready for Fitch once she walked through the halls of GDCS for the senior walk.

Clad in her cap and gown, Fitch met Lloyd near the entrance of the school as the seniors walked to the bus to head back to the high school. Once she broke away from the pack, Fitch was shocked to see the note and faintly recognized her own handiwork.

The note, which was made on lined school paper, simply has the word “Ners!” with a smiley face, and the bottom right corner signed “Emma F.”

The note was not from Lloyd to Fitch, but the other way around.

When Lloyd began her nine-year career with the Regional School Unit 9 district in 2014, Emma was in the third grade.


“She was one of my students who I’d see frequently,” Lloyd shared, “even just quick little check-ins for a little hug, or pictures, or whatever health needs.”

Over the years, Lloyd has received many notes from her students, many of which she kept and has held onto, but Emma’s note held a special place in her heart.

“When my office was over at Academy Hill School, it was on my bulletin board in front of me,” she said. “And then when my office moved, it moved right along into my next office.

“There’s just something about like seeing a child’s drawing that gives me hope, and inspiration for tomorrow,” she added.

This note was written by Mt. Blue senior Emma Fitch when she was in the third grade and given to Regional School Unit 9 school nurse Kimberly Lloyd. Lloyd held onto the note and decided to return it to Fitch during the senior walk, which was held Wednesday, as a token of appreciation. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal

With 20 years of nursing experience, Lloyd shared how rewarding it is to watch the kids she works with grow up since she became a school nurse.

“I feel like I’m so lucky being in my position,” she said, “because I have kids from pre-K to grade five, so I can have them from 3 years old all the way to 11 years old. So, I get to watch them grow and develop relationships with not just them but also with their families.”


Fitch’s mother, Mishelle Fitch, shared that Lloyd had told her what her plan was at the beginning of Emma’s senior year and managed to keep the surprise under wraps.

“I’m just so excited for her to see it,” Mishelle Fitch said.

Emma Fitch was definitely surprised to see the framed note after all these years.

Lloyd wanted to honor Fitch’s graduation by giving the note back to her and letting her know how important she was when Lloyd first made the move to become a school nurse.

Fitch will be walking with her class on Sunday at the Mt. Blue graduation ceremony.

“I think just the fact that I have held on to it for all these years and that it’s been something so special to me,” Lloyd said, “I want her to know that she has made an impact on me.”

“She was truly one that just gave me that inspiration,” she added. “And that’s why I love nursing, especially school nursing.”

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