Kenny Wing of Eustis will give a talk about The Arnold Expedition from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at the Winthrop History and Heritage Center on 107 Main St. Submitted photo

The Winthrop Maine Historical Society is set to present a talk by Kenny Wing on the Benedict Arnold expedition in Maine from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, June 13, at the Winthrop History and Heritage Center, 107 Main St.

Wing, 71, is a lifelong native of Eustis, being born right after Flagstaff Lake was created and a fifth generation Wing to live in Eustis and the villages of Dead River and Flagstaff. Flagstaff Lake and Mount Bigelow were named because of the Arnold Expedition, and Wing lives on Arnold Trail, within 100 feet from where Arnold’s batteaux traveled up the North Branch of the Dead River, according to a news release from the society’s Mary Richards.

Wing is a board member of the Flagstaff Memorial Chapel Association, The Maine Archaeological Society, the Arnold Expedition Historical Society, and the Dead River Area Historical Society. He is a co-author of “The Lost Villages of Flagstaff Lake” and has done extensive research for several authors of other books of the area and of Arnold.

For those who opt for a Zoom option of the presentation, email or call the center at 207-395-5199.


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