A Gray-New Gloucester Middle School speech therapist accused of assaulting a 12-year-old student is still working for the district.

Thomas Morawiec, 48, was charged with misdemeanor assault Thursday and is scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 14.

Superintendent Craig King confirmed Friday that Morawiec, who has been with the district for 12 years, remains employed there.

The alleged assault, which according to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office occurred on March 25, was reported by the parents to the school resource officer on May 28.

King said the alleged assault occurred as kids were leaving recess and coming into the school building. At the time Morawiec was supervising recess, said King.

The incident was reported to the principal and communicated to the parents that day, said King.


Principal Richard Riley-Benoit then investigated the incident, which King referred to as a “physical altercation,” by speaking with witnesses and those involved, said King.

King said the school district is “committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for our students and take action if and when we fall short.”

The Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office and Morawiec declined to provide additional information about the incident.

“As this incident is still under investigation, we are unable to disseminate any investigative material at this time,” said Steven Pyles, the sheriff’s office’s Freedom of Access Act clerk, in response to a request for an incident report and other information.

Morawiec did not respond to questions about the validity and fairness of the allegations against him.

Directly prior to working at MSAD 15, Morawiec worked for the Cape Elizabeth School Department for two years, according to information provided by Maine Public Employees Retirement System.

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