Vandals broke into a shed and damaged playground equipment at Oxford Elementary School over the weekend and spray painted vulgarity on the back of the shed. Oxford police are investigating. Submitted photo

OXFORD — Oxford Elementary School was the target of vandals over the June 8-9 weekend, according to Oxford Police Chief Rickie Jack. Jack says they think it was most likely juveniles who vandalized a shed and playground equipment.

Vandals broke into a shed at Oxford Elementary School and painted vulgarity on the back of it. Submitted photo

The shed was broken into and graffiti was spray painted on the back of the shed, Jack said.

“The graffiti was vulgar and immature,” said Jack, who noted that when caught the juveniles will be charged through the juvenile justice system. The incident is under investigation.

Jack asks that anyone with information call the Oxford Police Department at 207-539-4414 or privately message via Facebook.

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