100 Years Ago: 1924

Miss Alice Dick of Auburn was one of four Maine girls to receive a signal honor at Commencement exercises at Lasell seminary this week. These young women received the scholastic award; their work being deemed the best from among 55 senior candidates. Miss Dick is the daughter of Emil Dick.

50 Years Ago: 1974

A national public opinion survey firm reported Tuesday that Walter Cronkite of CBS has regained the position of most trusted and objective newscaster on television.

25 Years Ago: 1999

Because a June 13, 1999 article was unavailable we are offering an article from June 13, 1998.
On the anniversary of the slaying of Nicole Brown Simpson, members of the Abused Women’s Advocacy Project remembered local women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.
About 90 T-shirts were hung at the Kennedy Park gazebo Friday as a reminder of women and children who have been the victims of domestic violence and abuse. The display, called the Clothesline Project, was similar to others held nationwide Friday.

Chris Fenno, executive director of AWAP, said domestic violence continues to be a serious problem in the community.

The Clothesline Project helped remember Anna Burgess of Lewiston, Heather Poulin of Lewiston, Lori Taylor of Lewiston and Sara Raymond of Paris, who were all killed by their male partners in acts of domestic violence since 1990.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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