GILEAD — Once again, the Community Friends and Family Day will be held on June 22 in Gilead at the Gilead Historical Society buildings on the corner of Depot Street and Bridge Street. People will start to gather around 11 a.m. There will be a Crock Pot potluck lunch in the Gilead Town Hall at noon. Lunch will be provided by GHS members at no charge to the public. The GHS always graciously accepts donations to help cover the cost of the event. There are always delicious desserts available.

Also, this year there will be a tent set up, and local musician, Brad Hooper, will entertain, beginning at noon. For those who prefer a hot dog for lunch, there will be someone behind the grill to serve them, along with chips and drinks. The two historical society buildings will be open during this time. The GHS has gathered a lot
of local history on Gilead and Hastings. Everyone is welcome, so drop by, listen to some music, and enjoy lunch.

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