RAYMOND — The Strawberry Festival at Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Boyhood Home is set for 6-7:45 p.m. Saturday, June 29, at 40 Hawthorne Road.

This year’s guest speaker will be award-winning author/editor Tess Chakkalakal, professor of Africana Studies and English at Bowdoin College. Chakkalakal is creator and co-host of this summer’s podcast series from Maine Public Radio, “Dead Writers: Great American Authors and Where They Lived.”

Admission will cost $15 for adults and $5 for children 8 and younger.

To reserve a seat email hawthorne@maine.rr.com or call 207-329-0537; walk-ins also are welcome.

Attendees can have homemade strawberry shortcake served with coffee and punch.


Check out other upcoming area events!

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