Ahh, one just has to love this type of weather. Hotter than Grandma’s kitchen when cooking a roast in July. But I do love the old days and living away from the cities. On days such as this, I can open the windows at three am and let all the nice cool air come in.  When that ole glowing hot fella in the sky begins to light up, I then close all curtains and windows on the east side of my little home.
I was a little late getting going this morning. I believe it was after four when that first cup of coffee was ready. Someone told me I could possibly be smarter if I drank that coffee with mushrooms and herbs. Mornings such as this proved quite the opposite. I was just sitting here, scantily clad because I can, doing some mail. I then heard that horrible sound.
Here is where I have to admit getting close to being old. The eyes do see as well and do not focus as quick. Also the reflexes are a bit slower than they used to be. I was surely going to put all of this to the test in the next few moments.
That sound came closer and I figured I had made a mistake opening all of the windows. You see, some did not have screens on them. I calculated those nasty little female buggers would not be out and about yet. I am sarcastically referring to those female mosquitoes. I was once told the males just go about their business and only the females bite ya. I did not want to take the time to prove this theory one way or another.  I just knew they do bite and are mean about it. Especially this time of day.

So I sat here doing my computer tasks and the sound stopped. About that same time a couple of hairs on my arm sent out the intruder signal. Ka slap.  Nope missed her. I couldn’t see her, but I could hear her for sure.   This time, the back of the neck gave out the warning signal.  Ka pow.  Nope missed again. After a bit of this slapping season, my hunter cat looked at me as though I had gone mental. Sort of like what in heck is the old man doing slapping himself. Then she noticed the problem.
She is one dedicated hunter. Anything that moves and is not supposed to be in the house becomes a target. I watch and her head begins to move in all directions following that little lady blood sucker. Then she lunges and lands right on my bare legs. Her claws were just digging in making sure the culprit did not escape.
Now I tell ya folks, that will indeed get your attention real quick. I appreciated her hunting skills but not her choice of landings. In my usual construction foreman language, I quickly gave the cat a new name. She just retreated a distance away and gave me a very annoying look. It was though she was saying  “I caught the mosquito, what more do you want?”
Well, I shut all the doors and windows that did not have a no entrance screen on it and the cat happily went outside. I think she was just happy to get away from me.  There is no specific moral to this story. This is just another of those live and learn lessons life throws our way.  Mosquitoes just do not care. You opened the door and windows as an invite to come on in.    Ken White  mountainman    COB for sure.

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