DEAR SUN SPOTS: The North Waterford Congregational Church at 10 Irving Green Road in North Waterford will start its Summer Suppers on Tuesday, June 25. We will serve our traditional baked beans, American chop suey, cole slaw, salads, casseroles, rolls, beverages, and a featured dessert. The first supper features gingerbread. Supper time is from 5 to 6:30 p.m. For more information, call me at 583-2822. — Milly, North Waterford

ANSWER: Sounds delicious! Thank you for the work you do to keep these suppers going. It’s such a great thing for the community.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a working trash compactor to donate from a kitchen remodel, but you must pick it up. Please call and leave a message at 576-6759. — Joann, no town

ANSWER: That’s very generous of you. I hope someone picks it up and gets it out of your way.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The former St. Joseph’s Church in Lewiston is looking to be in bad shape. I noticed broken windows when I drove by the other day. I recall a brew pub announced plans to open there. Is that still in the works? I’m sad to see it like this. — No name, Minot

ANSWER: Take heart, dear reader. Lincoln Jeffers, Lewiston’s economic and community development director, assures me that Democracy Brewing, a worker-owned brewery, is actively working with several different lenders who will participate in the financing for the project. They hope to start renovation on the building before the close of this year.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: Do you or any folks in Sun Spots Land know if anyone makes crumpets locally? My son just returned from the UK and seems to be missing them. — No name, no town

ANSWER: Yum! I don’t blame him for missing them. They are delicious with butter and jam, and absolutely not the same as an English muffin! Crumpets are softer and fluffier on the inside.

I don’t know if any local bakeries have them but you could try making a special request as they’re easy enough to make. Your son may miss them enough to learn how!

Meanwhile, I found crumpets at Whole Foods in Portland and you can purchase them on Amazon. Another option is Sharrock’s Bakery in Wareham, Massachusetts, (

British Goods at 123 Main St. in Freeport doesn’t advertise crumpets on its website but they may be able to lead you in the right direction.

Lastly, if any of our dear Sun Spotters make crumpets on the regular, perhaps they could make a batch for your boy. I’ll just put that out into the universe and let’s see what happens!

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