PARIS — The Paris Select Board awarded a $21,100 contract, Monday, to Troy T. Kennagh of South Paris to remove an existing concrete foundation at Paris River Park, returning the area to its natural state, and to install a new cement slab that will eventually house a pavilion.

Select board members Matthew Brackett and Michael Bailey abstained from the vote.

The pavilion will be a 16- x 32-foot picnic area for residents and visitors to use for community events, family activities, and picnics, according to the town’s request for bids.

Kennagh will perform the old foundation removal and will sub-contract Rapid Ralph Concrete of South Paris to pour the concrete pad with a haunch.

“I believe he’s very familiar with the water lines down there, which is important” selectman Peter Kilgore said of the contractors.

The demolition work and the pavilion will be covered by $60,000 from the Community Enterprise Grant Program, according to Town Manager Natalie Andrews. These funds have also been used to purchase Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant picnic and park equipment.


“The construction work is being funded from a special revenue fund,” she said by email.

Also on Monday, the board tabled consideration of a liquor license and special entertainment permit renewal for The Hydrant, to allow the bar time to draw up a mitigation plan for bringing the structure into compliance with building codes.

Summers went into the crowd on the other side of the table to speak in his role as Code Enforcement Officer. He said the liquor license expired on May 19, but the state likely granted an extension because the permit was on the board’s agenda.

“They have submitted to inspections,” Summers said. “I contacted the State Fire Marshal, which is where this needs to begin, in my assessment, for the sprinkler and for a construction permit” for a fire barrier.

The select board approved the sale of three different town properties that will now be put out to bid. The properties together total 1.06 acres with an assessed value of $155,400.

The board also approved a metal-detector policy that establishes a permit for metal-detecting on town property and outlines rules governing the activity. The permit will cost $10 and there will be a $75 fine for any violation of the policy.


The policy was drawn up by Andrews in response to a request from Thomas Tomczyk to run a metal-detector on town property that was considered at the board’s last meeting.

Scott McElravy was nominated chair of the select board and Matthew Brackett was nominated as vice chair of the select board.

The board voted to change its meeting times to 6 p.m. going forward.

Therefore, the Paris Select Board will next meet at the town office at 6 p.m. July 8.

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