LIVERMORE FALLS —  At the Sunday, June 30, service, morning worship began at 10:30 a.m., after Maggie Houlihan played lovely music as parishioners enter the sanctuary. After announcements, we sang two Praise Songs: “I Sing Praises to Thy Name” and “Change My Heart, O God”.
Rev. Russ Thayer read The Call to Worship from Psalm 81, Verses 1 – 3. We sang “Wonderful Words of Life” followed by a Puppet Show about Jonah and the Whale, presented by the First Baptist Puppeteers. As tithes and offerings were collected, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “His Grace Is Sufficient To Me” on organ and piano. Special music was offered by a quartet singing “Down to the River to Pray”. Singers are Maggie, Margaret, Dianne Hirsh and Pastor Thayer.
Pastor Thayer read scripture from the Book of Luke, Chapter 7, Verses 36 – 50. His sermon, was titled, “Anointed and Forgiven”. After the sermon, we sang, “Set My Soul Afire”, followed by the benediction and “God Bless America”.
1. Vacation Bible School will take place August 12 through the 16, from 1 to 4 p.m. each day. The board of Christian Education needs volunteers to help each day. Contact Becky Widger if interested. All children are welcome to attend.
2. A Work Day is planned for July 20 at 10 a.m. We need members to help prepare the church for the upcoming October event, the ABCOM Convention which will take place here in October. 3. There is a Coffee Time after Worship each Sunday. All are welcome to enjoy the fellowship!
3. In July, we will be collecting canned green beans for the Food Cupboard.
4. The Healthy Eating Group meets each Tuesday at 6 p.m., led by Paula Wade. All are welcome to attend.
5. The Soap ‘N More Store will be open on Saturday, July 27 from 9 a.m.-12. Bagged lunches will be given out during summer months.

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