Dylan Van Buren, left, and Michaela Mowery, rising juniors at Telstar are contributing to the Bethel Citizen. Van Buren is a writer and Mowery is a photographer. Rose Lincoln

BETHEL — Telstar rising juniors Dylan Van Buren and Michaela Mowery are friends and contributors to the Bethel Citizen.

Last year as sophomores they were in all the same AP classes: World History, Honors Algebra II, Honors Geometry, and pre-AP English.

Van Buren said she definitely wants to go to college, “at least do four years if not more, get my masters, maybe my Ph.D.”  She is a member of the Telstar Civil Rights Club.

Telstar Junior Class Secretary Mowery wants to have her own business incorporating three things she loves: Maine Guiding, Photography and Christian Ministries.

Look for their work in this edition of the Bethel Citizen and future editions, too.

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