The Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club inducts Lawrence Delhagen, left, as its 2024-25 president during the passing of the gavel ceremony from 2023-24 President Roger Philippon. Submitted photo

The Lewiston-Auburn Rotary Club recently inducted Lawrence Delhagen as its 2024-25 president during the annual passing of the gavel ceremony.

Delhagen, of Greene, has been a Rotarian for over 27 years. He served as president of the Emmaus, PA Rotary Club in 1999-2000 and is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow. He is a retired financial advisor and works for the Maine Department of Labor as a business outreach consultant, according to a news release from Roger Philippon, the 2023-24 president.

Philippon presented Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Knight with a District Governor’s Award for his almost 50 years of service to the club. He also announced that the club had been awarded the Governor’s Silver Citation Award for its many accomplishments during the 2023-24 year.

The club meets every Thursday at noon at the Village Inn Restaurant in Auburn. Those interested in joining can attend a meeting or visit

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