AUBURN — A former Lewiston man charged with burglarizing several area storage units graduated from drug court Friday and will serve no more jail time for the crimes.

Shain R. Johnson Provided photo

Shain R. Johnson, 42, now of Sanford, was sentenced to the 300 days in jail that he has served since his arrest in 2019.

Police said Johnson had stolen from multiple storage units in Lewiston and Mechanic Falls around Christmas of 2019, and had stored the items inside his girlfriend’s storage unit.

One of the hauls yielded 88 alloy wheels belonging to a tire company.

A grand jury had handed up several indictments charging Johnson with felony-level theft, burglary and receiving stolen property.

An Androscoggin County Superior Court judge agreed to sentence Johnson in four separate cases to the time he served in jail before he was released due to COVID-19 concerns, his lawyer, Daniel Dube, said Friday.


Johnson was accepted into so-called drug court in December 2021, where sentences against defendants charged with nonviolent crimes can be deferred, pending their efforts to comply with conditions aimed at their illegal drug use.

Johnson successfully completed his stint in drug court Friday, at the same time his burglary cases were resolved.

Although he will not have to serve additional time behind bars, Johnson is to remain on probation for another 30 months and must pay restitution totaling more than $7,000.

A judge who had admitted Johnson into drug court spoke Friday at Johnson’s drug court graduation, calling him a role model for the drug court program and praising him for always showing up and being candid about his mistakes, Dube said.

Johnson had been charged with burglaries in two counties besides Androscoggin County .

Police said Johnson hauled the stolen goods from Auburn, Lewiston and Mechanic Falls in a rented U-Haul truck and stashed them inside his girlfriend’s storage unit in 2019.


In an affidavit, police said Johnson broke into a storage unit rented by Town Fair Tire on Dec. 26, 2019, and stole 88 alloy wheels valued at $9,000. The same day, police said Johnson cut the lock on a personal storage unit and took a 1999 Yamaha YZ125 dirt bike, tools, a toolbox, a snowblower and gear worn when riding a dirt bike, including a helmet.

Lewiston police said five storage units had been burglarized that night.

A day later, police in Mechanic Falls reported a storage unit break-in.

On Dec. 28, 2019, Auburn police saw a U-Haul truck leaving a storage facility and stopped the vehicle. Johnson was identified as the driver. Officers could see the dirt bike that had been reported stolen.

A passenger told police Johnson had been committing burglaries of storage units and was been hiding the goods inside his girlfriend’s storage units in Auburn, including fishing gear he and Johnson had stolen. The passenger told police the alloy wheels were stashed at a trailer park in Lewiston.

Police executed search warrants on the truck and two storage units. They found the dirt bike and riding gear in the truck. In the storage units, they recovered power tools, a generator, a pressure washer, tool boxes, camping equipment, fishing gear, compound bows, air conditioners, new ceiling fans and small household appliances.

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