DEAR SUN SPOTS: There will be a Baked Bean Supper at Sixth St. Congregational Church at 109 Sixth St. in Auburn on Saturday, July 27 from 4:30 until 6 p.m.

The menu consists of two kinds of beans, brown bread, cole slaw, red and brown hot dogs, assorted casseroles, assorted desserts and beverages. The cost of the meal is $9 for adults, $5 for children 5 to 12, and under age 5 is free. All are welcome. Take-out is available. — Elizabeth, Auburn

ANSWER: These suppers are so reasonably priced and you won’t have to heat up your kitchen. Have a night out and enjoy!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Anglican Church of the Transfiguration in Mechanic Falls is seeking donations for our Yard Sale to be held at 64 Elm St. in Mechanic Falls on Saturday, Aug. 3. This event is  part of Mechanic Falls Community Days.

This is a fantastic opportunity to get rid of items that you no longer need without having a yard sale at home. Items can be dropped off at the church on Tuesday mornings or by appointment. We are not accepting clothing at this time. For more information, please call 689-7025. — Nancy, Mechanic Falls

ANSWER: This is a reminder that this big event is right around the corner. Have you bundled up the items you no longer need yet and taken them over to the church?


Be sure to mark your calendars for the 3rd and enjoy the opportunity to find some bargains.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: St. Dominic Regional High School Class of 1973 is having a (belated) 50th Class Reunion on Sept. 14.

We are still looking for a few classmates and hope Sun Spotters might help us locate them. They are Philip Madore, Joanne Bibeau Blouin and David Robitaille.

Thank you for any information Sun Spots readers can give us. I can be reached at — Linda, no town

ANSWER: Let’s help Linda find these St. Dom’s classmates. We certainly don’t want them to miss the opportunity to join this big reunion celebration. It’s a special one!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Regarding the July 15 Sun Spots about musty-smelling closets, the reader may want to be sure she doesn’t have any leaking or sweating water pipes behind her closet walls. My bedroom closet, that abuts my master bathroom, smelled so musty and no amount of baking soda or dehumidification was fixing the issue.


After a couple weeks, a water stain developed on the ceiling in the first floor guest bedroom just below my musty closet. Sure enough, there was a very small leak that had gone undetected for quite some time. Once the pipe was repaired and the sheetrock in that side of the closet and the guestroom ceiling was replaced, the musty smell went away.

My advice is to always investigate the possibility that you have a leaky pipe. It’s worth it to have an experienced plumber or handyman check it out sooner rather than later.

ANSWER: Thanks for the tip!

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