A Norway couple is requesting to demolish a structure at 15 Deering St. before buying the property. The Norway Planning Board was appointed Thursday as the Historic Review Committee to decide if the structure can be torn down. Evan W. Houk/Advertiser Democrat

NORWAY — In the town’s first question of historic preservation demolition, the Select Board appointed Thursday the Planning Board as the Historic Review Committee to decide if a house at 15 Deering St. can be torn down.

Norway’s “demolition delay permit ordinance for historic structures” allows for immediate demolition if a certificate of appropriateness is granted by the Historic Review Committee or a delayed demolition if a certificate is not.

However, according to Interim Town Manager Jeffrey Campbell, the town has never had to appoint that committee.

The Planning Board will hear the case for demolishing the dilapidated building at its next meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday.

Ray and Christine Stanford of Naples are hoping to buy the Deering Street property, but only on the condition that they can tear down the old structure and build a new home there.

“We want to build a nice house and improve the community,” Ray Stanford said as he made his case July 18 before the Select Board.

He explained that the inside is mostly gutted with all the demolition materials piled in the basement stairwell. There is no longer access to the second floor other than from a ladder

He explained that even the real estate listing says “enter at your own risk.” The house is “uninhabitable,” he said.

The Select Board will meet next at 7 p.m. Aug. 1 at the Town Office.

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