I am writing in strong support of state Sen. Peggy Rotundo. I initially met her around 15 years ago when I was volunteering with our local Democratic committee and the Maine People’s Alliance, advocating for improved health care access and affordability.

Sen. Rotundo impressed me as a dedicated and compassionate leader. She was willing to work long hours to ensure that her community was well represented. She is a mentor to me and helped inspire me to run for office.

When I worked with her as a legislator, she helped me introduce a bill that helped smaller, independent pharmacies during particularly challenging times.

This session, Sen. Rotundo serves as the Senate chair of the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee. She excels at bringing people together.

The initiatives that were funded through the Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee will bring meaningful relief to our community and throughout the state.

Heidi Brooks, Lewiston

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