Norway Savings Bank recently made donations in Bethel and Lewiston.

Among those was $2,000 toward the Dr. Moses and Agnes Straw Mason House in Bethel, built in 1813 and seated in the Broad Street Historical District. The Museums of the Bethel Historical Society launched a renovation project to make critical repairs, a cause the bank has signed on to support.

The bank also donated to ProsperityME. Since its inception in 2008, ProsperityME, with offices in Lewiston and Portland, has offered nearly 400 financial courses and workshops that have benefited more than 10,000 immigrants, refugees and asylees who learn more about managing their finances to enable better futures.

NSB contributed $5,000 to the organization in July to serve as a gold sponsor of the organization’s Community Block Party, to be held at the University of New England’s Portland campus on Thursday, Oct. 10. The annual event provides networking opportunities, as well as entertainment by immigrant-owned small businesses and organizations.

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