100 Years Ago: 1924

Chief of Police William B. Edwards was struck Monday by an automobile driven by Fred Libby of Brunswick. The accident on Main street nearly occurred opposite the Town Building.

Chief Edwards was knocked to the ground and carried unconscious to the office of Dr. Elliott nearby. He was badly bruised on the legs, arms and ribs, two of his ribs being badly hurt. Although  ordered to go home by the doctor, he refused and attended court in his usual way. He was in his office during the afternoon.

Chief Edwards will prefer no charges against Libby as the accident was unavoidable.

50 Years Ago: 1974

About 90 residents of Meadowview enjoyed a “hot dog” party Sunday, an exotic Hawaiian dance and a most enjoyable late afternoon social affair.


Planning the affair was Mrs. Rose Guilman, president of the Council and instigator of the party assisted by Lucille Boulay, Dora Pelletier, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lachance, Mrs. Ben Turcotte and Jeannette Violette.

Special guests were Robert Berube, executive director of Meadowview and Mrs. Berube. Entertainer was Herman Gagne, suitable, and attractively garbed for the event.

25 Years Ago: 1999

Lewiston police are exploring the possibility that someone tried to burn down the W.S. Libbey Mill Wednesday by pouring flammable liquid inside the building.

The building owner found herself locked out of the abandoned mill Wednesday and called police. When they entered, they found what appeared to be oil poured in seven different areas.

“The most gruesome thing was to see the oil spilled down in the elevator shaft. The whole thing could have gone up in flames in just a few seconds,” said Rita Jean, president of the Miracle of Living Waters, which owns the building. “I think we stopped an arsonist as he was ready to drop the match.”

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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