JAY — The Planning Board will consider applications for shoreland zoning and floodplain zone permits for the Godfrey OSB Mill planned for a section of the defunct Pixelle Specialty Solutions paper mill at 300 Riley Road.

The board will meet at 6 p.m. Oct. 1 at the Town Office.

Godfrey Wood Products announced in March that it plans to build a mill to manufacture oriented strand board on the site.

Godfrey Wood Projects has a purchase and sales agreement on the land owned by JGT2 Redevelopment for 67 acres just south of the main buildings of the former paper mill, according to the application submitted to the Planning Board by Main-Land Development Consultants in Livermore Falls.

The Godfrey property includes the former log yard, small buildings and structures, the former chip pile and a parking lot. These areas will be demolished, reconstructed or reused for the OSB mill.

The property has no regulatory streams or vernal pools. A small, forested wetland area near Riley Road will be filled. Other appropriate applications to Maine Department of Environmental Protect and other regulatory agencies will be or have been filed.


The new mill, about 617,000 square feet or 14.2 acres, will be built on the site surround by the log yard, parking, access drives and lawn.

New access entrances include two entrances from Riley Road and a log delivery entrance off Alden Hill Road, which is off Crash Road. Each of these are in existing entrance locations. The train rail will be extended through the mill site.

The site is served by the public water system for domestic water use. Fire water will be from the river.

Domestic wastewater from restrooms and break rooms will flow to the wastewater treatment facility. The OSB mill itself will not produce process wastewater, according to the application.

Jay’s Shoreland Zoning Ordinance depicts a zone within 250 of the Androscoggin River. A stream flows to the south of the site, but not on the site or within 75 feet of the proposed development. Within the shoreland zone of the project area, the project generally proposes to affect previously developed areas, with small areas of new land improvements occurring for the southern truck access drive.

No new development or impacts are proposed between Riley Road and the Androscoggin River, nor within 100 feet of the riverbank.

In March, John Godfrey of Godfrey Forest Products based in Massachusetts, said it will be about 2½ years before the first plate of OSB board will be manufactured. He said then that he will be ordering the specialized equipment and products will be sold in the Northeast. His company sells to Home Depot and Lowe’s, among others, he said. The project is expected to bring 125 jobs to the mill.

JGT2 Redevelopment based in Kansas purchased the defunct Androscoggin Mill in December 2023 and 1,000 acres, lead partner in JGT2 Tony McDonald said in December. Pixelle Specialty Solutions based in Pennsylvania stopped making paper on March 9, 2023.

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